"...the fields are white for harvest." John 4:35
Declaring a Message of Light to Set the Captives Free

Spreading The Gospel
Through County Fairs And Festivals
Whitefields of America is a ministry that is committed to spreading the gospel to as many as possible. We know that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. People who are lost do not know where they are going, similar to someone on a highway without a map or a GPS. This is why Jesus gave the Great Commission to the Church, which is His body, to go into all the world to make disciples. It is to give Jesus the reward for His sufferings on the cross. We all have gifts and talents which he gives us to use in unique ways to win people to Christ and to open their spiritual eyes to understand their need for repentance, believing the gospel, and receiving Jesus as their personal savior. We invite you to join us in this quest to make Jesus known.

Phil Parr’s Letter to the Ministry
Dear Friends of WFOA,
I am praying as we approach the last hours before Jesus returns in the clouds to rapture those who belong to Him. I ask you all to join me in prayer. This world is getting darker and darker with evil unleashed that continues to escalate. This is what Jesus said the world would be like in the last days just before His return, and why we must be more aggressive in taking the gospel to the lost in every way possible.
I believe God wants to use His church during the last hours to make up for all the former years that it has been lethargic and lacked vigilance since the end of World War II. God has always had a remnant through which He accomplishes His will. We can all be a part of this, but we must be determined to be one of them. After World War II, American society took a much deserved ‘sigh of relief’. The problem, however, is that the devil didn’t stop his agenda of destruction on the human race, he just changed his tactics.
How did America fall into such a morally corrupt state? It is because the church has been negligent to use its two most important weapons: preaching the gospel to the lost and the work of prayer. These weapons are the only means by which the church can ‘violently take the kingdom of God by force’. (Matthew 11:12). When these two commands are not obeyed, morality in society spirals downward into what we have today, which is depravity.
We, the church, the ecclesia, have the same authority and power of the Holy Spirit that was given to the church at its beginning. We will have to give an account to the Lord for what we did or did not do with what He made available to us. But we can also hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant”, if we do what He has commanded. By doing His will, multitudes can come to Christ in this last generation.

Learn More About the Ministry’s Purpose
Whitefields of America, Inc. ministry welcomes you! Send a message if you have any concerns or questions.